Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fun & Games..... & Tears.

My emotions have been all over the place.  Mostly the past week or so has been a happy one.

Jade graduated!! I am going to miss her!!! We had a great time at Texas Roadhouse.  I may have been overkill on the stories about Nikora and I but thats just what happens anytime we go somewhere that Nik and I used to visit lots. It was such a happy, kinda sad, but mostly pretty happy day.  Word for the wise: If you are waiting for a missionary DO NOT watch homecoming videos.  It does WIERD things to your emotional stability.  It definitely threw my day out of whack haha.

We play TENNIS!!........ Ok lets be real we all rejoice like we are Wimbledon champions if we manage to hit the ball back and forth more than 5 times.  It is a work in progress.

LOOOOVVVE my roomies.  Seriously they are the sweetest girls and know how to make a rough day so much better!

Julayne just likes beating me up....jk jk

This week has been full of fun times.  I've needed it.  It has been a month since Nikora left and while I am still among the living I'm sometimes surprised my heart doesn't just give out.  Ok maybe not for reals but its been hard!!! Definitely fits the description of "Emotional Roller Coaster" 

I went up to Daybreak to visit Nik's family.  I cried when I passed the temple where we did baptisms for the last time, I cried when I passed the lake where we would sit and talk till late at night, I cried when I passed the little town homes that he wants to live in someday, then I composed myself as I pulled up to his house.  But then I looked at his cute little house and heard his puppies barking inside and I just lost it all over again.  They opened the door and gave me hugs and the faucet of tears just kept running.  But don't worry it only ran for the first hour that I was there.  The rest of the time was really great, I was able to just talk about Nik and everything that happened without getting fake sympathy or that glazed over look when people are soooo done listening to me talk about my best friend.  We laughed harder than any of us have laughed in the last month and I felt more at peace than I had in a long time.  It was so good to be back. 

Staying at my house instead of my apartment for Memorial Day weekend was a huuuuuge blessing.  Being with my family and my cousins family gave me so much to take my mind off of school, Nik, work, Nik, Nik, and did I mention Nik? It was really nice to be somewhere that wasn't just filled with memories of Elder Anderson and I.  We played games, watched movies, went to 7 peaks, talked, ate delicious food, and had a fantastic time.  

(Notice I'm not in the pic, I was visiting Niks family but the whole weekend went about like this)

I came home from Memorial Day weekend feeling emotionally stable (something that hasn't happened in a month haha) and really happy.  

I even got pics and videos from the Elder!!!

He sent me his memory card and he still had pictures from our last salt lake trip on it :)

Good to see he likes his birthday present (I made him a quote book and didn't get it to him until 3 months after his birthday.... bad girlfriend award haha)

Nik is DL over a bunch of really great guys!!

I really am so proud of him for deciding to serve a mission.  I cannot even wait till I can be out there serving too! It sounds difficult.  Probably more difficult than anything I have ever done.  BUT it sounds so incredibly worth it.  

Well its been fun and games for the past week with a few tears in-between.  I'm not sure that my emotional stability is still in tact.  It may have been thrown off with yesterdays events. But I will write a separate blogpost about that story. Yay for Provo.  

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