Thursday, January 24, 2013


I'm loving Winter, but I'm absolutely hating it.  How does that even work? I've had a runny nose for weeks now and the ground is literally a sheet of ice. Yes, I ice-skated to class today. Its so cold that my hair freezes and my thighs feel like a block of ice.  Thank goodness for boots with traction and warm buildings.  I think I take detours through every single one I pass on my way to class.

But, of course, its not all that bad, for example:

Soldier Hollow and Chilis on Niks birthday = BEST DAY EVER.

Just hanging out with my best friend :)

Spontaneous photoshoots with Kaitlyn's new camera.  Freezing.  But Fun.

The best thing is that no matter what the crazy weather brings, there are always plenty of people to bring good memories right along with it!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I apologize for going AWOL for a bit.  Things have been a little bit crazy.  This semester has brought so many new and exciting changes.  I can tell that this will be a challenging, yet very rewarding semester.  One of the most obvious changes this semester is a completely new set of classes. I seriously could not be more ecstatic.  No more Physical Science, American Heritage, and best of all, NO MORE COMPUTER PROGRAMMING!!!!!!  (Sorry dad.... haha)

My new classes fit my personality and interests much better.  The class I'm probably most excited about is my Intro to Entrepreneurship class.  Holy Cow talk about an answer to many prayers.  As I was signing up for classes the only class that seemed to fit into my schedule was this business class.  I LOVED competing in DECA but I still didn't want to take this class because I was sort of intimidated.  I kept praying that I could get into the classes I wanted in order to explore future careers but nothing was working out.... except this entrepreneurship class.  My roommate and I walked in on the first day and I felt a huge rush of the spirit  .  I can't even describe the peaceful happy and exciting feeling that pulsed through me as I listened to the first lecture of this class, I know that.  I still don't know what career is best for me but I do know that this class will help me to learn and accomplish all that Heavenly Father has in store for me.  I am so excited to learn all that I can from this phenomenal class.

A change that hasn't been quite as enjoyable is my boyfriend moving back to South Jordan.  Its good for me......But that doesn't mean I like it haha.  Its just kinda hard when all I want to do is call him up and have him come over so I can show him the family history I did.  Or make dinner with him.  Or have someone to talk to and snuggle with when I had a bad day.  But it has also been really great to start focusing more on missions and being able to spend more time apart.  Its a blessing, even if its not a blessing I like at this particular moment.

Another recent change has been my calling.  I have loved being an FHE mom.  So fun.  Best Calling.  Except not really, because my new calling is.  I was recently called as Relief Society president.  At first I was really intimidated.  Now, I'm loving it.  What a blessing it has been in my life already.  I have gotten to meet new people, and get more involved in church and where I live.  If you know much of anything about me you know that I looooooooovvveeeee getting involved, planning things, and participating in leadership.  I may not be the best Relief Society president ever but I sure am going to try.  I may not love getting up earlier to go to a bunch of meetings every Sunday, but I really do love spending my time on productive things that I have a passion for.  This is going to be a great semester.  I can't wait to see what it brings!