Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Well.  I stink.  I know.  I have been soooooo lame when it comes to blogging.  Id say its because I'm busy (because I am) but thats really not the reason.  Its because pinterest is waaaaaaaay too addictive so I spend perhaps too much of my computer time scrolling through countless pictures of perfectly painted nails, flawless outfits, and cutesy quotes.  So I thought I'd rejoin all of you in the blogger world with a little update post and some really crappy quality pictures :)

So sundays are probably my busiest but favorite day.  I now have meetings and assignments to take care of all day long.  This sunday was a rare exceptionk I was actually able to sit back and relax for a few hours.  So I made cookies and cream brownies (pinterest) recipe:

Then both of the Caitlins and I did each others hair and took some pretty great pictures (super beautiful, I know) It was a good day.

Yesterday wasn't quite so fun and relaxing.  It was a day full of lots of tears for everyone in my apartment.  Cassidy's best friend Nick Varney is leaving on his mission today and Cassidy had to finally say goodbye for the next two years.  It was rough.  When she walked in after classes I couldn't help bursting into tears just seeing how hard it was for her.  Then I started crying even harder when I thought about how hard it will be for me too.  It was just all over emotional.  So we watched chick flicks, talked, ate ice-cream, and laughed a lot to lighten it up a bit.  Yay for girls nights :)

Overall, life has been pretty good.  My classes are pretty easy and I love what I'm learning.  I have some pretty great people in my life to say the least.  All of the girls In my apartment and Kaitlyn Clark (basically our 4th roommate) have decided to go on a mission. It will be so fun to see where and when we are going. I can't wait to see what the future brings!

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