Friday, February 8, 2013


Today I am in a thoughtful mood.  Thinking of all that has gone on to make my life so wonderful and thinking on all the people I know that are hurting right now has made me feel so incredibly grateful for the atonement and God's love.  Recently a girl from my stake who went to my high school took her own life.  I didn't know her well and I don't know why, but I do know that she is loved by everyone that came in contact with her.  What I remember is that she could make anyone smile and everyone wanted to be her friend.  She was a talented beautiful girl and I am grateful for Jesus Christ who is taking very good care of her and whose atonement can heal any hurting heart.

I was also talking to a friend of mine who came home from his mission early.  It made me so sad to see how defeated he felt.  I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of his children and is always there to help build up the humble who turn to him.

I took time to think about all of the people I love and how grateful I am for all of them.  They bless me daily with their kindness, love, personalities, and humor.  I can't imagine what it would be like if one of them were gone.  I was sure to thank Heavenly Father individually for many of the people that have blessed and changed my life for the better.

I am so grateful for these girls.  I love them so much more than I can express.  They have been my best friends all of my life, I'm so glad that families are forever.

I love each one of my cousins so much.  They laugh with me, cry with me, and help me through anything I'm struggling with.

I am so grateful for my immediate family.  Every time I go home I realize it more and more.  

I'm grateful for my dad and all he does for me.  He helps me with my financial problems, computer problems, emotional problems, you name it. I am so grateful for all of the hard work he does.  I can't imagine how hard it would be to balance all of the responsibilities he has, but he does in wonderfully. Thank you dad!!

I'm grateful for my mom and all she does for me.  I know that she always does what is best for me and the rest of the family.  I know she could be spending her time doing a lot of other things but she is always driving someone somewhere, taking kids or other ward members to the temple, doing family history work, and bringing our family together.  I'm so grateful for her never ending desire to do good and teach her children to do the same.  Thank you so much mom!

I am grateful for Mallory, she has always been my best friend.  Its still weird that we live in different apartments and have different lives, but I always have fun with her and I'm so grateful that I've always been able to share whatever I'm feeling with her.  She is so amazingly beautiful, spiritual, and fun. I love her so much!

I am grateful for Spencer.  Man I wish we were one year closer in age so we could have had one year in high school together! Every time I go home I ask him for all the updates on PGHS.  Last night I took him to ask a girl to Sweethearts.  Man he's growing up fast!! I'm so grateful for his addictive sense of humor but his sweet kind personality.  

I am grateful for Alex, he reminds me so much of myself.  Its interesting to see him start worrying about what he wears and what he gets involved in. As he is trying to choose what teams, clubs, etc to try out for next year I can see a lot of the same insecurities and determination that I had.  I love coming home and hearing whatever new story or comment he has, I'm so grateful for his funny and sweet personality.

I am grateful for Jake.  What a sweet sweet kid he is.  Sometimes he's a fireball, sometimes he's a goof, but he's always full of love and just what I need to turn a frown upside down.  I love seeing whatever new neon colored soccer item he wants to buy and I love hearing about his student council adventures. I can't express my gratitude for the love and help he gives me whenever I see him.  He is always running around doing me favors, telling me stories, and smiling. I'm so grateful for a loving little brother like him.

I am grateful for Becca.  She is a gorgeous little girl with a spunky personality and a unique sense of humor.  She always has something to tell me and I love hearing the new jokes she comes up with.  Its interesting to see how much she tries to be like me and Mal, it must be hard to be the youngest and live at home with all the boys but I love her happy lively attitude.  I'm so grateful for a loving little sister that  pays lots of attention to what and how people are doing.  She is going to grow up to be one beautiful spunky girl. 

Lastly I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this kid:

He is always so willing to drive down here and back from SoJo without a complaint. He makes every bad day the best day ever, he sends me sweet texts randomly to make me smile, and he does everything he can to make me happy.  I am so so so so incredibly grateful for him :)

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