Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just Being Me!

WARNING:  Get ready for a totally pointless post about a fantastic day.

Today was a good day.  First of all, the sunshine, aaaaah I've missed it!! Its like breathing in happiness! But seriously.  I probably look like a wierdo walking around campus with a grin pasted on my face, but I can't help it! Everything is so bright and warm (finally!!!!) and I just feel happy! Today it felt good to just be me! Things that made me happy today:

I skipped my first class, ate hot dogs for breakfast, spent far too much time on pinterest, and downed a bag of gummy worms and a pack of strawberry mentos. Yes, I know, totally irresponsible huh?  BUT there's no need to worry because I also cleaned my room (quite an accomplishment), put away my laundry, went to a few hours of study sessions (yay for 200 question Chinese exam!), and checked a few errands off my list. Boy did that feel good!!

I made pistachio almond cake with my roomie Cassidy while rocking out to Indian, Chinese, and Spanish music.  Pistachio almond flavored anything = Kyrstin is in HEAVEN! We had a lot of fun listening to Chinese Peking Opera (Definitely an acquired sound.....Look it up if you don't believe me) , and A Dios Le Pido (Brought me back to the good old days of 10th grade spanish class)

Fact: I LOVE LOVE LOVE spontaneous dance parties.  It must run in the family because I know these girls sure do:

So after a long time of holding back (in order to spare my downstairs neighbors from the pounding/jumping) I gave in and danced my heart out to the entire One Direction album.  Was I dancing alone? Yeeeah.  Did I look dumb?  Most definitely.  Did I have fun? Heck Yeah!!! It felt so good just to be crazy Kyrstin again.

And to end my fantastic day I'm super excited to spend the rest of my night skype-ing with this kid:

Life is good! I'm soooo grateful for all that I've been blessed with!


  1. Sometime I will have to sit down with you and you will have to plan my new spring wardrobe. :) Love all your ideas!

    1. Oh thanks!! I'd be happy to, haha I have too much fun planning outfits :)
